Many studies show that supporting your hearing has a significant impact on your general well-being. Your ears not only help you pick up sounds, but they also play an essential role in helping you understand and communicate complex thoughts, ideas and jokes daily. Besides, a better hearing ability will help improve your quality of life; it helps your career and more importantly, increases your self-esteem.

It is evident that keeping your hearing in good condition has many impacts on your life. So, whether you have a hearing problem or not, there are various things you can do to improve your hearing health. The following are three ways to improve your hearing while also improving your general health.

Wear Your Hearing Aids

It is vital to wear your hearing aids if you have been instructed to do so by an audiologist. They are essential when it comes to ensuring that no more harm happens to your ears by adjusting the volume or straining when listening.

The best part about wearing hearing aids is that they increase your self-esteem when talking to people and make it easier to follow conversations in various settings. Additionally, it also helps you enjoy music and TV at a volume that won’t bother people around you.

On the other hand, if you are experiencing some problem with your hearing, it is always good to visit your doctor, who might refer you to an audiologist for more assessment. If they recommend hearing aids, talk to them about the various kinds to know which is best for you.

There are several types of hearing aids, they include:

Behind the Ear (BTE)

These are the most common styles of hearing aids made of tiny plastic device that sits behind the ear. BTE hearing aids are easy to use, appropriate for people with hearing loss and available in various colors.

In the Ear (ITE)

This style of hearing aid is made to seal the outer space of your ear. ITE hearing aids cannot be seen from behind the ear; however, unlike BTE, it is visible from the side of the ear.

In the Canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aids are almost similar to the ITE devices, and the significant difference is in their sizes; ITC is smaller and just seals the ear canal. Your hearing aid will be designed to suit your level of hearing loss and you will also be taught how to use it and take care of it.

Avoid Too Much Noise

One of the most common causes of hearing loss among adults is long periods of exposure to loud noises. In your life, the increasing impacts of noisy environments, commonly known as noise pollution, can take a toll on the fragile structures of your inner ear.

Your ear can get damaged permanently when exposed to extremely loud sounds for too long. This is referred to as noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Very loud sounds can damage your inner ear and cause instant hearing loss. But, if the sound is not as loud and the exposure is not for too long, you can lose your hearing with time.

Gradually, your hearing starts to get muffled and distorted. You then start having trouble understanding what people are saying. However, the good news is that there are various things you can do to protect your ears from noise damage.

Use hearing protection whenever you are in a large event like firework displays, music concerts, football matches or air shows. You can use:

  • Earmuffs that fit seamlessly over your outer ear to create an airtight cover. Earmuffs are usually held in place by a modifiable headband, so if you put them on over long hair or eyeglasses, they won’t protect you the way they should.
  • Earplugs protect the ear by providing an airtight seal to the ear canal. Therefore, choose one that is the correct shape for your ear.
  • Noise-canceling headphones work by blocking background noise. They can be worn when flying in a plane or when in an extremely noisy place.

Get Regular Checkups

It is easy to support your hearing health by getting regular hearing tests. Being able to identify a hearing problem means that something can be done early about it. You should get a hearing examination if you have never had one, have trouble hearing conversations, hear ringing in your ears and if you are always around loud noises.

Keep in mind that some hearing problems need a more direct approach by an audiologist. Contact Davis Audiology today at (864) 810-6238 to learn more about our services.