One of the questions that audiologists are asked the most is “How can I make my hearing aids last longer?” Just like any technological device, hearing aids require a certain level of care and maintenance to ensure their optimal functionality and longevity. Luckily, there are a number of different factors that influence the lifespan of your hearing aids and many of these you can work in your favor if you understand how and why!

1. Regular Cleaning

Cleaning your hearing aids regularly is vital for their upkeep, and not something that you can just skip out on. Earwax, skin, oils and dirt can accumulate and block the microphone or speaker, reducing your hearing aid’s effectiveness. To clean your hearing aids, gently wipe them daily with a dry, soft cloth, focusing on the earpiece or dome that goes into your ear.

Also, you might want to use a cleaning brush to gently remove any debris from the microphone and receiver. While doing this, you will need to avoid using water, cleaning fluids or solvents as these could damage the delicate electronics of your hearing aids. It’s never q good idea to let anything moist or wet near your hearing aids

2. Proper storage

Storing your hearing aids properly when they’re not in use can significantly contribute to their longevity, while also ensuring that you keep them safe from accidents that could break them prematurely too.

When you remove your hearing aids, you should always place them in a storage case in a cool, dry place such as a bedroom drawer or closet shelf. This practice protects them from moisture, which can damage the electronics over time causing them to malfunction. If you won’t be using your hearing aids for an extended period of time, then it is a really good idea to remove the batteries. This will help to prevent the battery acid from leaking out where it can cause corrosion and other damage to these delicate devices. Also, try to ensure they are out of reach from children and pets to avoid accidental damage.

3. Regular Maintenance Checks

Scheduling regular check-ups with your audiologist is another effective way to extend the life of your hearing aids. Even with daily cleaning, small amounts of debris can accumulate over time in hard-to-reach places. An audiologist has specialized tools and skills to conduct a thorough cleaning and ensure your hearing aids are functioning correctly. They can also identify any early signs of wear and tear and make necessary adjustments or repairs before these turn into significant issues. When it comes to caring for your hearing aids, prevention is always better than cure, so to speak.

4. Appropriate Handling

Finally, handle your hearing aids with care at all times. Although they are built to be durable, they are still delicate electronic devices and you cannot afford to be cavalier with them. When inserting or removing your hearing aids, do it over a soft surface to minimize damage if they accidentally fall.

Another thing you should do is ensure that you avoid exposing your hearing aids to extreme temperatures, like leaving them in a hot car, wherever possible because heat can damage the internal components, and when this happens, your hearing aids often need to be replaced.

You should also make an effort to remove your hearing aids before showering, swimming or using a hairdryer or hairspray to prevent moisture or heat damage. As you can see, while hearing aids are an investment, proper care and maintenance can significantly extend their life, offering you many years of improved hearing. Remember, your hearing aids are your gateway to better communication and a better quality of life, so treat them with the care they deserve.

So, although it might not always be easy to remember some of the tips above, if you can try to be more mindful of your hearing aids, how you care for them and what you do with them when engaging in various activities, it will be a long time before you even need to think about replacing them.

Get in touch with Davis Audiology today

Taking steps to extend the life of your hearing aids is a worthwhile endeavor that can enhance your auditory experience over time. If you have any questions or need assistance with your hearing aids and how to look after them, do not hesitate to reach out to Davis Audiology. Our dedicated audiologist team is eager to help ensure your hearing aids continue to serve you well for years to come. Call us at (864) 810-6238 today because your ears, and all those who communicate with you, will be glad you did.

Tags: hearing aid basics, hearing aid repair